Changing course

I had to take break from the other story for a day so I did this one last night. It goes with a poem about a guy who was in the shower too long and came out looking like a raisin, obviously. I had been working on it for about an hour when I realized that it looked more scary than funny, which isn’t such a good idea for a children’s book. I had to change course and am pleased with the final image.

Here’s what he looked like before I realized how hideous it was. Eek!

I change my mid halfway through illustrations all the time, I guess I’m just not the kind of person who sees the final product in my mind and I’m always surprised at what I end up with.


  1. James said...
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    James said...
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    James said...
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    James said...
    Josh, I'm proud of you. Sorry for the 3 deleted comments. I can be odd at times....okay, most of the time.

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